Sunday, June 21, 2009

Alternate Medicine

Quacks are at it again.Modern medicine discovers disease and these self styled doctors, the appropriate treatment.Don't you think they are great?(or cheats)
Homeopathy or Ayurveda knows no Chikungunya ,Dengue or Swine flu.I am sure all decent practitioners will agree with me.Right or wrong,safe or dangerous,it is modern medicine that describes all these diseases.And it is for them to find solutions for the same.And let me assure you, we are almost there.The day is not far when we will have vaccines for all these disease.
In fact a vaccine a vaccine was invented for chikungunya.Unfortunately for us, it was the naval infectious diseases research centre of the United States that did it.But, for the U S of A, a small epidemic in this part of India is not serious enough and there was no funding for human trial.The project was abandoned some time in 1999-2000.
Meanwhile the quacks will be at it again.Miracle cures,oils and injections will do rounds again.Remember some unscrupulous practitioners use steroids in the form of injections and that does all kinds of damage.Both literally and physically.
Beware,don't go to a doctor no known to you because a friend recommends.If a doctor has a miraculous cure for these fevers probably he is a fraud.Because medicine is not one persons monopoly.If one has all have access to that invention.Probably it is not safe and not used by all.
P.S:A quack is the one who practises medicine without studying it-like an Ayurvedic physician practising modern medicine or vice versa.(The picture on the left top is the Aedes mosquito that causes chikungunya)

1 comment:

Govinda Nelyaru said...

Chicken gunya was prevalent in US few years back. A lady in Bangalore was infected during a visit there and took yoga or similar practices to overcome after effects. There was newspaper report last year about her.

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Puttur, Karnataka, India
Medical doctor,arrogant,self centred,can be very helping. Concerned about the falling standards in ethics.Advocate discretion in lifestyle instead of regretting after the fact