Friday, June 19, 2009

basic idea

There was a time when the family used to visit a GP for all medical advise and treatment.the doctor used to be an elderly kind and knowledgeable and most importantly,dependable.

the times have today is on the fast can not wait,whether one is sick or healthy.there is a deadline.

once people get literate(differentiate from literate) they think they have right to express their opinion on every topic.they are right though.but when getting an opinion from a professional is concerned lay opinion has no place.

there is an oft repeated complaint in India that medical profession is no longer what it was and that it has gone really high tech.that doctors do not use their clinical acumen.partly true.

what about the patient?

Today people are too demanding.they have unrealistic ideas.

In India the alternate system also is very popular.but most of those practitioners do not practice their system with sincere devotion leading to a mixture of systems which is not good in the long run.

will write more before you start commenting which mostly will be hostile because i know i am treading over too many feet.

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Puttur, Karnataka, India
Medical doctor,arrogant,self centred,can be very helping. Concerned about the falling standards in ethics.Advocate discretion in lifestyle instead of regretting after the fact