Friday, June 19, 2009

weigh option

In India we have advanced technology which is far ahead of it's time.Our educational institutions are world class.Our hospitals have the best facilities.We have very fine automobiles on our roads.But I do not think we are socially ready to adopt all these.We are in no position to integrate this development in our daily life.We lack scientific temper,social courtesy and commitment to our profession.
We should be happy that our hospitals are of world class.But are we really ready for that?I think not.Initially we must set our priorities right.Just because the facility is there it doesn't mean to say we must use it in every single occasion.Of course it may sound insensitive,it is not.
Think of a scenario.A nephew of mine gets hurt in a small accident.I know it is not much.But not our orthopaedic surgeon.He admits the boy in the high tech hospital to administer an antibiotic for the infection which is not there.Then why does he do so?It has nothing to do with medicine but administration.Simply put the concerned person has not fulfilled his quota of admissions and the hospital has not received the revenue it is due to it.The doctor is under pressure!This is technology for you.
We can not blame the hospital for this.The facility requires huge investments with real estate prices being what it is.To establish a hospital is no small job.Having invested millions on buildings and equipment it is only natural that they do deserve revenue.But is this the way?
In this kind of a situation one is forced to do it because the institution has to servive.And it has less people who can afford the cost .The solution is in finding the means to pay the required medical bill.
As a matter of fact in western countries or even in the middle east they have well established social security schemes so that in times of need a person can depend upon getting proper care irrespective of his finance.But here in India we have no such thing but insurance.That every one does not have it is a grave concern.
On one hand we have wonderful technology and on the other the common man can not afford it.It is a dilemma and ultimately a person who can afford the cost is made to pay just because he can. It is time that we started asserting our rights.Just before starting on a procedure in the hospitals we need to make it absolutely sure that the situation needs it.One can go for even a second opinion, through his primary care physician, who certainly will be happy to guide, if informed before taking a decision regarding the procedure.
We need technology but more than that we need discretion.
Any suggestions?

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Puttur, Karnataka, India
Medical doctor,arrogant,self centred,can be very helping. Concerned about the falling standards in ethics.Advocate discretion in lifestyle instead of regretting after the fact