Sunday, June 21, 2009


Like every other profession medicine also is commercialised.Otherwise why do you think people will practise it?Any professional has to live. Doctors have more responsibility than any other and how they work under pressure is unimaginable.The work load is so heavy and the schedule sometimes is so cramped that they have no time for personal life.And to add to this they are not allowed to make a single mistake.And the expectation is sky high.But they are also human beings and there is only so much that they can do.
People especially the media keeps on blaming doctors and the frequency is increasing these days.but what these people know about medicine?Nothing.And they write passing judgement without trial-guilty!
A lot has been written and is still being written about unnecessary Cesarean section operation.Does any body know what kind of responsibility a doctor has while having a pregnant woman on his hands to deliver her of the baby?The tension can be killing.You are bringing a life to the earth and the doctor has to take decision with making no delay.It is a no win situation.If it is a successful delivery,what's great about it?It happens every day.If it is not,you know what will be the outcome, irrespective of the reason,the doctor will be held responsible for the failure.Newspapers will be filled with the lapses on the part of the doctor.
The relatives concerned will question the decision for and against the particular procedure adopted.So the doctor rarely has many option in such situations.They go for Cesarean operation.And the procedure is very safe.Then where is the harm in opting for the safest alternative?It is always said in medicine that one should err on the safer side.
Take another example.Say, heart attack.Can anyone predict what will happen in the next hour when a patient has a cardiac problem?The answer is, no.what is the option in front of the treating doctor?Of course investigations.The technology is so advanced that it costs money.Medical proffesion is not about charity and they charge the patient,who else?And give value for money.more than value as one can not buy a life with the money paid to the doctor.
Let me explain,,recently I witnessed a free medical examination organised by a charity organisation.In a small village of about 5000 people, 4-5 thousand people had know why,it was free and if required they were promising investigation and free surgery!No body said anything about the investigations were unnecessary, no, not even journalists.On the other hand i saw a couple of them opting for free investigation!
Now tell me whether it is spending money people are against or the investigations as such?
Just think of a person working for six and half days in a week and anticipating some or the other emergency on the other half day for week after week and thinking of the holiday that never comes?And the public expects no delay in getting treatment.You need superman not a doctor to work according to lay expectation!
Give them a break my dear friends.
And then there is the topic of money.With all the specialisations a doctor will be 30+when he/she starts earning and he/she has to make money.Nobody will look after a doctor simply because he did not save money while he could.Doctors like you and me can not work till eternity even though they need not retire.But when they can not work?When a doctor is ill who will spend for the treatment?Nobody will come to rescue.and for this they need money.
Don't ever think doctors are greedy.They too have needs like everyone else.
Before passing judgement on doctors think about the things you know nothing about.At least the lay man knows nothing about medical profession and they don't care to know.At least not in India where doctor bashing is becoming the order of the day.
Life of a doctor is not a bed of roses as is the general perception, except, in their own family.

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Puttur, Karnataka, India
Medical doctor,arrogant,self centred,can be very helping. Concerned about the falling standards in ethics.Advocate discretion in lifestyle instead of regretting after the fact